จักรกริช สังขมณี
I am a Thai anthropologist specializing in science, technology, and society (STS). My prior research centered on the hydro-ontology of irrigation projects, hydrologists and engineers, as well as their complex ties with (a)modern bureaucracy and state-building in Thailand. My recent works focus on environmental infrastructures and how they manifest in the current climate and water politics in Thailand. Particularly, as part of my daily interactions with Bangkok's heat, humidity, rains, and floods, I have been interested in fluid urban assemblages and affects, understood through entangled relations between amphibious ecology, infrastructure, and the city's atmosphere.
Currently, I am an anthropology associate professor at Chulalongkorn University in Bangkok and a certified advanced open water scuba diver. For the past few years, scuba diving has become an integral part of my anthropological fieldwork in addition to being a fun hobby. Based on underwater fieldwork, I recently published a book in Thai entitled Thalasso-anthropology: An Ethnography of Technology, Multispecies, Materiality, and Speculative Story Under the Ocean.